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What Anxiety Feels Like

Anxiety is a normal feeling. But sometimes it can get away on us, and start to get in the way of life. Noticing the way anxiety feels in your body can help you identify when you’re beginning to feel anxious. And if you can tune into those feelings, you can begin to address them before…

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The Benefits of Therapy

Psychotherapy can be an effective tool in providing you with the necessary support and training to overcome the challenges you face. By seeking therapy, you are taking responsibility and action to change what no longer works in your life. Many studies have shown throughout the years that psychotherapy is an effective form of treating and…

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What is the ED Brain?

ED brain is short for the eating disorder thoughts that permeate the thinking patterns of those who do not like their bodies and want to lose weight. Essentially the ED brain works like this: it tells you that your body never looks good enough and you should always be losing weight – whether by eating…

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